Research Participant Recruitment

Students may recruit research participants via our listserv and or ask our members for assistance if the following criteria are met. Division 19 will consider announcing research studies to the Division’s announcement listserv by Division 19 Student Affiliates and Members only.
To be eligible for posting, announcements must be brief (no longer than one page) and contain the following information:
– Project title and short summary including purpose of the research.
– Name of principal investigator(s) (PI) and faculty advisor (if a student).
– Name and location of sponsoring institution, and department (if college or university).
– Contact information for above, including phone and email.
– Inclusion and exclusion criteria.
– What is required of participants.
– Any risks associated with participation.
– Explanation of how confidentiality of information will be assured.
– Name and contact information for Institutional Review Board that approved the study, and date of approval.
– Date of planned end to data collection (so we know when to remove posting).

**Including a flyer and graphics will increase engagement**
Depending on volume, research project announcements may be consolidated and posted to the listserv on a quarterly basis. Please send announcements to for the general listserv and for student listserv.