Student Affairs Committee Positions


We currently do not have any positions open. Applications typically open in November. Please sign up for our listserv here to stay up to date with when we begin advertising for open positions.

Chair Select

The Society for Military Psychology (Division 19) reserves three (3) positions on the Executive Committee for interested and qualified graduate students to serve as Graduate Student Representatives. As members of the Student Affairs Committee (SAC), Student Representatives are expected to advance issues of student affiliate concern within our division.

  • Applicants must be enrolled and in good standing in a graduate program in psychology, to include but not limited to clinical psychology and industrial/organizational psychology.
  • Applicants must be student affiliates of Division 19. Students who are not affiliates must apply for affiliation online prior to submitting materials for this position.
  • Applicants must be able to commit to the position for three (3) years.
  1. Student Affairs Committee (SAC)
    1. Incoming Student Representatives serve on the Student Affairs Committee as Chair-Select for a period of one (1) year. The Chair-Select is primarily responsible for communications with the student affiliates, including website development, social media, email, and other methods.
    2. During the second year of tenure, Student Representatives serve on the SAC as Chair during which time they oversee the development and execution of student-related programming and events at the annual APA Convention.
    3. The third year of the position requires Student Representatives to act as SAC Past-Chair during which time they oversee student awards and mentor other SAC members.
    4. The three Student Representatives must fulfill all other duties and responsibilities associated with their individual SAC position.
  2. Student Representatives are expected to attend the Division’s Midyear Meeting (usually held in February in Alexandria, VA) and the APA Annual Convention (held in early August). (Note: Student Representatives will be provided airfare and hotel costs to attend both meetings, as appropriate.)
  3. Student Representatives report on student affairs during the Midyear Meeting and Annual Meeting.
  4. Student Representatives are responsible for all aspects of the execution of the student awards process.
  5. Student Representatives are expected to increase awareness and generate interest in Division 19, as well as encourage more active participation and engagement of current student affiliates in division activities.
  1. Applications for the Student Representative position are due by Novermber 15th of the current year, no later than 11:59 PM EST. The Student Representative selected will be notified on December 1st of the current year, and will begin their tenure on January 1st the following year.
  2. Applicants must complete the Division 19 Student Representative Application Form. The application form must be typed and submitted with the following materials:
    1. 2-page maximum (single spaced, typed) cover letter detailing the following information:
      1. The nature of your interest in this position;
      2. Leadership experience and ability;
      3. Any current or previous association or experience with the military and/or military psychology (including veterans and military dependents);
      4. Goals/ideas you endeavor to pursue for the position, on behalf of our division, or to advance the science or practice of military psychology.
    2. 2-page maximum Curriculum Vitae including scientific publications and presentations.
    3. 1-page maximum letter of recommendation from your academic advisor or major professor indicating his/her critique of your leadership ability, overall professionalism, and suitability for the position (i.e., previous awareness of your interest in military psychology).
  3. The application form and additional materials listed above must be scanned into one .pdf document and submitted to the Student Affairs Committee at
  1. The Student Affairs Committee (SAC) will review all applications for completeness and eligibility.
  2. The SAC will rate all applicants on the following criteria on a scale from 1-4, with 4 being the best:
    1. Documented interest/experience in the field of military psychology
    2. Leadership ability/aptitude
    3. Ambition and creativity regarding plans for position
    4. Professionalism (i.e., communication skills, attention to detail)
  3. Each SAC member will sum the scores and average them across the three SAC members. In the event of a split decision, the SAC will provide the determining votes.
  4. The Student Representative selected will be notified by the SAC via email.

Apply Here:


The Student Engagement Officer (SEO) should be willing to work with our current team to become familiar with applications such
as Zoom, PowerPoint, Meta (formerly Facebook) Business Suite, Canva, and WordPress. This position is a two-year commitment.

1. Applicants must be enrolled and in good standing in a graduate program in psychology, to include but not limited to clinical psychology and industrial/organizational psychology.
2. Applicants must be Student Affiliates of Division 19. Students who are not affiliates must apply for affiliation online ( prior to submitting materials for this position.
3. Applicants must be able to commit to the position for two (2) years.
  • Generating event ideas
  • Website and social media management
  • Creating and publishing advertisements
  • Supporting and assisting with the smooth production of conference style webinars


  1. Applications are due by 11:59 PST on November 15th
    1. The formal application includes:
      1. Application Form
      2. Curriculum Vitae (attached to application form)
  2. The SAC reviews all applications and individually reviews and rates the finalists.
  3. SAC trio will formally offer the position to the selected candidate via email by or before December 1st.
  4. Incoming National Student Representative commences their duties on January 1st.

Apply Here:


The National Student Representatives can expect to develop strong leadership skills in their communications and assistance with our large campus chapter network. This position is a two-year commitment.

  • Applicants must be enrolled and in good standing in a graduate program in psychology, to include but not limited to clinical psychology and industrial/organizational psychology.
  • Applicants must be student affiliates of Division 19. Students who are not affiliates must apply for affiliation online prior to submitting materials for this position.
  • Applicants must be able to commit to the position for two (2) years.
  • Serves as the liaison between the SAC trio and the campus chapter network.
  • Assists campus representatives plan and implement events on their campus and answers any questions campus reps may have.
  • Assures Campus Representatives abide by the Division 19 Mission Statement and Bylaws, as well as the Student Chapter Network (SCN) Handbook.
  • Oversees the Online Chapter
  • Hosts one (1) webinar based educational event during each quarter of their service.
  • Attends and participates in the Annual APA Convention and assists with the division’s hospitality suite.
  • During the Annual APA Convention hosts one hour long informative or educational session for student affiliates in attendance. Topic must be approved by SAC trio in advance.


  1. Applications are due by 11:59 PST on December 1st
    1. The formal application includes:
      1. Application Form
      2. Curriculum Vitae (attached to application form)
  2. The SAC reviews all applications and individually reviews and rates the finalists.
  3. SAC trio will formally offer the position to the selected candidate via email.
  4. Incoming National Student Representative commences their duties on January 1st.

Apply Here: