Society Leadership Program

2024 Society Leadership Program Participants

select a name for bio and headshot

Dear ECP and Student Members:

The Society for Military Psychology has a call for applicants to apply for the 2024 Society Leadership Program (SLP). The SLP is designed to inspire and develop our future leaders in military psychology. Participants will attend leadership training, receive mentoring, and complete a capstone leadership project related to the Society’s mission and current initiatives. Students in the SLP will attend ten hour-long virtual lessons with faculty and peers, attend the Midyear Executive Committee (EXCOM) Meeting (in person or via teleconference), attend the American Psychological Association (APA) Convention, be provided readings and mentorship, with a focus on developing leadership potential in broadly defined diverse and global contexts. Outcomes of the capstone leadership projects will be presented at the APA Annual Convention. We expect graduates of SLP to commit to future service on Society committees and sections, as elected officers in the Society, and as leaders and advocates in a variety of positions in APA, their places of employment, and society at large.

We invite Early Career Psychologists (ECP; 10 years or less since doctorate) and psychology doctoral students who are interested in and committed to leadership in the Society to apply for the SLP.

Please email any questions to using the subject line SLP QUESTION with your initials.

Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes

The Society Leadership Program is designed to help participants

  • Understand the structure and function of leadership positions in the Society
  • Assess one’s own leadership style using various perspectives
  • Observe EXCOM meetings
  • Observe and participate in leadership activities
  • Conceptualize and implement a SLP capstone project to be completed and presented at the APA convention
  • Network and develop working relationships with Society leaders
  • Identify a path to leadership within the Society and seek/obtain a leadership position

Application Procedures

To apply for the Society Leadership Program, please submit the following materials to, NLT November 10, 2023. Materials will only be accepted via Award Force. Your application should include: 

(1) A letter of interest that is no more than two pages single-spaced. In this letter, please provide information about yourself and your professional identity as a psychologist or a student in the field of psychology. Briefly discuss current/previous leadership experiences and what you learned from them, particularly as they relate to the diverse military psychology context. Please discuss why you would like to participate in the SLP, what you hope to gain, and how you would see yourself utilizing the SLP experience in your future work as a leader in the Society, including specific leadership roles you might like to pursue. Please also discuss ideas or areas for your capstone project, Division 19 mentors you would like to work with and have contacted, and positions you would like to serve in Division 19 on your application statement.

(2) A current curriculum vita.

(3) A letter of recommendation which specifically addresses your potential as a leader, your interpersonal skills, and your ability to complete projects successfully in a timely manner. If you are a student, please have a faculty member write this letter on your behalf. If you are an ECP, this letter could be written by a colleague or mentor.

(4) Upon acceptance, you will be asked to provide an updated bio and professional headshot.

We hope to notify applicants of decisions about selection to participate in the Society Leadership Program by the end of December at the latest to ensure adequate time for booking airfare and clearing your schedule to attend designated meetings.


2019 Cohort Members

Amileah Davis
Brian Knoll
Josh Camins
Ken Thompson
Nick Grant
Reid Hlavka
Ryan Warner
Whitney Livingston

2023 Cohort Members

Elizabeth Finer
Rebecca Hans
Phillip Kroke
Gwen Riley
Eric Neumaier
Keen Seong Liew

2020 Cohort Members

Brian Kok
Juan Gonzalez
Katherine Rahill
Kathryn Eklund
Ryan Hess
Taylor Zurlinden

2021 Cohort Members

Arpita Ghosh
Ashley Shenberger
Austen McGuire
Christina Hein
Jessica Forde
Marie Black
Sarah McInerney
Zachary Kane Jones

2022 Cohort Members

Austin Hamilton
Denise Dailey
Lynnea Vis
Samantha Giangrande
Emily Covais
Jason Sadora

Previous Mentors

  • Carrie Kennedy
    Ashley Shenberger
    Joseph Troiani
    Tatana Olson
    Emily Grieser
    Nate Ainspan
    Becky Blais
    Ryan Landoll
    Amileah Davis
    Arlene Saitzyk
    Katy Dondaville
    Tom Britt
    Jeremy Jinkerson

Bill Brim
Mike Yates
Scott Johnston